P-Sea Software Co.
Can01- Queen Charlotte Strait - Johnstone Strait - Strait of Georgia - Juan de Fuca Strait
# Cht# Chart Name
1 300101 Vancouver Island Juan De Fuca Strait to
2 3061AB01 Harrison Lake and / Et Harrison River (
3 3061BC01 Harrison Hot Springs to / a Long Island
4 3061CD01 Long Island Little Harrison Lake
5 3062AB01 Pitt River and / Et Pitt Lake ( a - B )
6 3062BC01 Pitt River and / Et Pitt Lake ( B - C )
7 341001 Sooke Inlet To/a Parry Bay
8 341002 Pedder Bay
9 341101 Sooke
10 341501 Victoria Harbour
11 341502 Continuation a
12 341901 Esquimalt Harbour
13 342401 Approaches To/approches a Oak Bay
14 344001 Race Rocks To/a D'arcy Island
15 344101 Haro Strait- Boundary Pass And\et Satell
16 344102 Continuation a
17 344201 North Pender Island to / a Thetis Island
18 344301 Thetis Island to / a Nanaimo
19 345701 Nanaimo Harbour And/et Departure Bay
20 345801 Approaches to / Approches a Nanaimo Harb
21 345901 Approaches to / Approches a Nanoose Harb
22 346101 Juan De Fuca Strait ( Eastern Portion /
23 346201 Juan De Fuca Strait to / a Strait of Geo
24 346301 Strait of Georgia Southern Portion
25 347301 Active Pass Porlier Pass and / Et Monta
26 347302 Montague Harbour
27 347303 Porlier Pass
28 347501 Plans - Stuart Channel ( Dodd Narrows
29 347502 Dodd Narrows
30 347503 Ladysmith Harbour
31 347504 Osborn Bay
32 347505 Chemainus Bay
33 347601 Approaches To/ Approches a Tsehum Harbou
34 347701 Plans Gulf Islands ( Bedwell Harbour to
35 347703 Telegraph Harbour and / Et Preedy Harbou
36 347801 Plans Saltspring Island ( Sansum Narrows
37 347802 Birds Eye Cove
38 347803 Genoa Bay
39 347804 Ganges Harbour and / Et Long Harbour
40 347805 Fulford Harbour
41 348101 Approaches to / Approches a Vancouver Ha
42 3488AB01 Fraser River / Fleuve Fraser- Crescent I
43 3488BC01 Fraser River/ Fleuve Fraser- Crescent Is
44 3489AB01 Fraser River/ Fleuve Fraser Pattullo Bri
45 3489BC01 Fraser River/fleuve Fraser Pattullo Brid
46 349001 Fraser River / Fleuve Fraser ( Sand Head
47 349002 Fraser River / Fleuve Fraser ( Sand Head
48 349101 Fraser River/fleuve Fraser North Arm A-b
49 349102 Fraser River/fleuve Fraser North Arm B-c
50 349301 Vancouver Harbour ( Western Portion / Pa
51 349401 Vancouver Harbour Central Portion/ Parti
52 349402 Second Narrows
53 349501 Vancouver Harbour Eastern Portion/partie
54 349502 Continuation a
55 349901 Roberts Bank
56 351201 Strait of Georgia Central Portion/ Part
57 351301 Strait of Georgia Northern Portion / Par
58 351401 Jervis Inlet
59 351402 Malibu Rapids
60 351403 Sechelt Rapids
61 351501 Knight Inlet
62 351502 Simoom Sound
63 352601 British Columbia / Colombie- Britannique
64 352701 Baynes Sound
65 352702 Comox Harbour
66 353401 Plans Howe Sound Squamish Harbour
67 353402 Shoal Channel
68 353404 Mannion Bay and / Et Snug Cove
69 353405 Horseshoe Bay
70 353501 Plans Malaspina Strait Pender Harbour
71 353502 Secret Cove and / Et Smuggler Cove
72 353503 Welcome Passage
73 353601 Plans Strait of Georgia Powell River and
74 353602 Sturt Bay and / Et Vananda Cove
75 353603 False Bay
76 353701 Okisollo Channel
77 353702 Whiterock Passage
78 353801 Desolation Sound And/et Sutil Channel
79 353901 Discovery Passage
80 353902 Seymour Narrows
81 354001 Approaches to / Approches a Campbell Ri
82 354002 Continuation a
83 354101 Approaches to Approches a Toba Inlet
84 354102 Continuation a
85 354201 Bute Inlet ( A-b )
86 354202 Bute Inlet ( B-c )
87 354301 Cordero Channel
88 354302 Dent And/et Yuculta Rapids
89 354303 Greene Point Rapids
90 354304 Continuation a
91 354401 Johnstone Strait Race Passage And/et Cur
92 354402 Continuation a
93 354501 Johnstone Strait ( Port Neville to / a
94 354502 Continuation a
95 354601 Broughton Strait
96 354602 Port Mcneill
97 354603 Alert Bay
98 354701 Queen Charlotte Strait Eastern Portion /
99 354702 Stuart Narrows
100 354703 Kenneth Passage
101 354704 Continuation a
102 354705 Continuation B
103 354801 Queen Charlotte Strait ( Central Portion
104 354802 Port Hardy
105 354803 Blunden Harbour
106 354901 Queen Charlotte Strait ( Western Portion
107 354902 Bull Harbour
108 355001 Approaches to / Approches a Seymour Inle
109 355201 Seymour Inlet and / Et Belize Inlet
110 355202 Continuation a
111 355203 Continuation B
112 355204 Continuation C
113 355501 Plans Vicinity of / Proximite De Redonda
114 355502 Beaver Inlet
115 355503 Squirrel Cove
116 355504 Redonda Bay
117 355505 Refuge Cove
118 355901 Malaspina Inlet Okeover Inlet and / Et L
119 355902 Continuation a
120 356401 Plans Johnstone Strait Havannah Channel
121 356402 Chatham Channel
122 356403 Port Neville
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