P-Sea Software Co.
NDI CD9 Gulf of St. Lawrence
# Cht# Scale Discription
1 122901 1:12,000 Plans Peninsule De Gaspe (petite - Vall
2 122902 1:7,200 Grande - Vallee
3 402201 1:350,000 Cabot Strait and Approaches Scatarie Isl
4 402301 1:300,000 Northumberland Strait
5 402401 1:350,000 Baie Des Chaleurs Aux / to Iles De La Ma
6 430601 1:25,000 Strait of Canso And/ Et Southern Approac
7 430602 1:25,000 Canso Lock to St. Georges Bay
8 430603 1:12,000 Point Tupper To/ a Ship Point
9 430604 1:10,000 Canso Lock and Causeway
10 436301 1:74,474 Cape Smoky to St. Paul Island
11 440201 1:24,000 Wallace Harbour
12 440301 1:75,000 East Point to Cape Bear
13 440401 1:75,957 Cape George to Pictou
14 440501 1:75,730 Pictou Island to Tryon Shoals
15 440502 1:24,000 Victoria Harbour
16 440601 1:75,574 Tryon Shoals to Cape Egmont
17 441601 1:12,000 Havre De Gaspe
18 441901 1:12,000 Souris Harbour and Approaches / Et Les a
19 442001 1:18,233 Murray Harbour
20 442101 1:18,000 Boughton River
21 442102 1:18,000 Boughton River (continuation)
22 442201 1:24,311 Cardigan Bay
23 442501 1:25,000 Harbours On The North Shore Havres Sur L
24 442502 1:12,000 Entrance to / Entree a St Peters Bay
25 442503 1:15,000 Covehead Bay
26 442504 1:15,000 Savage Harbour
27 442505 1:25,000 Tracadie Bay
28 442601 1:36,360 Riviere Ristigouche / Restigouche River
29 442602 1:7,200 Dalhousie Harbour
30 443701 1:12,000 Pictou Harbour
31 444301 1:7,200 East River of Pictou (indian Cross Point
32 444501 1:18,232 Merigomish Harbour
33 444601 1:12,000 Antigonish Harbour
34 444701 1:25,000 Pomquet and Tracadie Harbours
35 444801 1:18,000 Port Hood Mabou Harbour and Havre Bouche
36 444802 1:18,000 Mabou Harbour
37 444803 1:12,000 Havre Boucher
38 444901 1:12,000 Cheticamp Grand Etang and Margaree Harbo
39 444902 1:6,000 Margaree Harbour
40 444903 1:6,000 Grand Etang Harbour
41 445001 1:24,300 St Paul Island
42 445901 1:25,000 Summerside Harbour and Approaches/ Et Le
43 445902 1:12,000 Summerside Harbour
44 446001 1:12,000 Charlottetown Harbour
45 446201 1:75,200 St. George's Bay
46 446301 1:75,000 Cheticamp to Cape Mabou
47 446401 1:74,488 Cheticamp to Cape St. Lawrence
48 446601 1:36,500 Hillsborough Bay
49 446701 1:15,000 Rustico Bay and New London Bay (rustico
50 446702 1:15,000 New London Bay
51 448301 1:18,000 Caribou Harbour
52 448501 1:75,000 Cap Des Rosiers a / to Chandler
53 448601 1:150,000 Baie Des Chaleurs / Chaleur Bay
54 449101 1:37,500 Malpeque Bay
55 449201 1:25,000 Cascumpeque Bay
56 449202 1:12,000 Alberton Harbour
NDI CD9 Gulf of St. Lawrence Continued
# Cht# Scale Discription
57 449701 1:28,850 Amet Sound
58 449801 1:24,000 Pugwash Harbour and Approaches
59 449802 1:12,000 Pugwash Harbour
60 490501 1:100,000 Cape Tormentine A/ to West Point
61 490502 1:6,000 Borden
62 490503 1:6,000 Cape Tormentine
63 490601 1:100,000 West Point a / to Baie De Tracadie
64 490901 1:30,000 Ports / Harbours ( Buctouche Harbour )
65 490902 1:30,000 Richibucto Harbour
66 490904 1:30,000 Cocagne Et / and Shediac
67 490905 1:5,000 Port De Plaisance Marina Shediac Bay
68 490906 1:5,000 Quai / Wharf Pointe Du Chene
69 491101 1:25,000 Entree a / Entrance to Miramichi River
70 491102 1:60,000 Continuation a
71 491201 1:25,000 Miramichi
72 491202 1:25,000 Continuation a
73 491301 1:40,000 Caraquet Harbour Baie De Shippegan Et/an
74 491302 1:40,000 Continuation a
75 492001 1:15,000 Plans Baie Des Chaleurs/ Chaleur Bay Cot
76 492002 1:5,000 Lameque
77 492003 1:5,000 Caraquet
78 492004 1:5,000 Middle Caraquet
79 492005 1:5,000 Bas - Caraquet
80 492006 1:10,000 Quai / Wharf Belledune
81 492007 1:20,000 Shippegan Harbour
82 492008 1:5,000 Quai / Wharf Petit-rocher
83 492101 1:10,000 Plans Baie Des Chaleurs/chaleur Bay Cote
84 492102 1:20,000 Chandler
85 492103 1:5,000 Mal- Bay
86 492104 1:10,000 Grande-riviere
87 492105 1:50,000 Approches a / Approaches to Paspebiac
88 492106 1:20,000 Baie De Port- Daniel
89 492107 1:5,000 Carleton
90 492108 1:5,000 Black Cape
91 492109 1:5,000 Lanse-a-beaufils
92 492110 1:5,000 Sainte - Therese - De - Gaspe
93 492111 1:5,000 Havre De Beaubassin
94 495101 1:60,000 Iles De La Madeleine ( Partie Sud/ Sout
95 495201 1:60,000 Iles De La Madeleine ( Partie Nord / Nor
96 495401 1:15,000 Chenal Du Havre De La Grande Entree
97 495402 1:5,000 Quai / Wharf Mines Seleine
98 495501 1:10,000 Havre - Aux - Maisons
99 495601 1:10,000 Cap - Aux - Meules
100 495701 1:10,000 Havre - Aubert
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