The program comes with a built-in vector map of the USA. It covers the US west coast, Gulf of Mexico, eastern seaboard and the Hawaiian Islands. This chart is in vector format and WindPlot uses it to calculate the nearest land to the vessel at all times. The readout for the nearest land is clearly displayed just under the plotter's range.
WindPlot can store unlimited tracks, marks, waypoints and routes using multiple directories. It can handle over 32,000 tracks and marks without changing directories. Each track has up to 92 colors and 15 different widths to choose from. Marks have 15 different sizes and up to 15 color choices. A mark editor is provided to customize your own symbols. Each mark and track can have a name and description. The description for each can be broken down into as many as 5 different categories with any type of heading for cataloging. Track and mark names can be selected to display on the plotter screen. Font size and style are selectable for each. Marks can be linked together with a line to form boundaries.
Alarms can be set to go off when these boundaries are reached. Windows style quick search allows you to find any mark or track. Marks and tracks can be grouped by range, color, type, name, description, etc., and then printed or copied to disk. At any time you can print the plotter screen to paper. Eight alarms are provided; Anchor, XTE, Crab watch (works as a bridge watch), on-color, off-color, waypoint arrival, near land and mark proximity.
Boundary Builder(TM) is built in to the program that allows you to build and manage named boundaries that outline areas keep in or stay out of. Alarms can be set that will trigger when the vessl crosses the boundary lines.
Many additional options can be added like, Ship's logbook for recoding catch and effort, radar interface to any of the Koden's RADARpc's with a addtional option available for full ARPA functionality. The ARPA option will allows hands off automatic tracking ov any vessel on the radar screen wich will save the track it makes so you can go back over it at any time. A customizable gard zone is built into the radar and is being used by many govenments to monitor ports for ships traffic. Koden has a wide varilty of radars ranging from 2.2 to 25KW scanners. Another option allows you to display the sea bottom in 3D for most of the popular fishing areas accross the US. For thoes areas not covered by our digital 3D database you can get a secondary option called P-SeaBed Builder(TM). This allows you to build or rebuild the existing database into your own personal 3D charts.
Raster charts can be brightened or dimmed to suite night or daytime running. The program supports 24 bit color and multiple screen resolutions automatically. The better the resolution, the better the chart detail.
We also have programs that allow you to make your own charts for either program using a flatbed scanner or a CAD digitizing tablet. We can provide infrared remotes with programmable buttons. We have the Noland serial multiplexer available that will allow you to input up to four types of gear that output NMEA 0183 such as fluxgate compass, radar, gyro, depth sounder, temperature gauge or a second navigation receiver.
You have many chart choices that P-Sea WindPlot can display: BSB/NOAA (USA) and BSB/NDI(Canada) give the best in looks and price for raster charts. MapTech raster charts cover the world. Navionics vector charts cover the world in muli-layered form. P-Sea Software Co. provides both vector charts (USA) and raster bathymetric charts (USA).
Use the FEATURES button on the home page to see examples of special features like the tide predictor, analogue compass, 3D bottom view and 3D cross-track box.