New route/waypoint control window for P-Sea WindPlot

We have greatly inhanced the waypoint and routes in WindPlot. Waypoints provide a quick way to get navigation information to a single destination. From this you get range, bearing, cross-track error and estimated time to go under current conditions. Routes provide a way of lining up a series of waypoints for auto-sequencing. This means a path can be setup up to allow you to go around objects such as islands, channels and so on. As you follow this path, you are directed (in order) to each point in the path called NODES. The route navigation information is provided in the same manner as any waypoint. As you get close to the current active node, the program will automatically switch to the next node in the path. A single beep from the alarm will sound when this happens and the alarm will stay on when you get to the last node in the route.


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