P-Sea Software

Brought to you by P-Sea Software Co. USA
PO Box 1390
Morro Bay, CA 93443
Ph.# (805) 772-4396

Stellwagen Banks Reserve
Available on CD only!

These three charts combine the sun-illuminated topography for a 3D effect with the backscatter intensity shown in color of the sea floor. Backscatter intensity is a measure of the hardness and roughness of the sea floor as determined from the strength of the sound waves reflected from the seabed during the survey. High-backscatter materials(red and orange) are course sand, gravel (including piles and ridges of boulders), and rock outcrops. Moderate backscatter (green) represents sand or muddy sand. Low backscatter (blue) represents sandy mud and mud.
This is available only with the new 32 bit P-Sea WindPlot II at the same cost as our other bathymetric charts at $49.95 each. It is treated as a BSB chart and it follows the same rules as the BSB charts when viewing and installing it. Like BSB charts, it can be run either from the CD or hard drive. Area covered for Stellwagen 1 is 42E05' to 42E42' North Latitude and 70E02' to 70E36' West Longitude. Stellwagen 2 covers 42E26.5' to 42E37.5' North Latitude and 70E36' to 70E46.2' West Longitude. Stellwagen 3 covers area below Stellwagen 2 to a Latitude of 42E12'. These charts are serialized, so please provide the start code for the program when ordering.

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