P-Sea Software

Brought to you by P-Sea Software Co. USA
PO Box 1390
Morro Bay, CA 93443
Ph.# (805) 772-4396

Vector Charts List

US North-East(91K)
US South-East(69K)
US Gulf of Mexico(85K)
US West Coast(154K)
Chart #		Description			Depths completed	Scale		Cost
				Central West Coast	                   	   (Just chart/normal)
8401  Puget Sound				None			1:200,000	$49.95 
18480  Approaches to Strait of Juan De Fuca-	10,20,30,40,50,100,200  1:176,253	$49.95/$99.95 
        Destruction Is. to Amphitrite Pt.	300,400,500,600,700,800,900  
18485  Cape Flattery				None			1:40,000	$49.95/$29.95 
18500  Columbia River To Destruction Island	10,20,30,40,50,100,200  1:180,789	$49.95/$99.95 
18502  Grays Harbor				None			1:40,000	$49.95/$29.95 
18520  Yaquina Head To Columbia River	 	10,30,40,50,75,100	1:185,238		$49.95/$99.95 
18521  Pacific Ocean To Harrington Point	None			1:40,000	$49.95/$29.95 
18561  Approaches to Yaquina Bay 		None			1:50,000	$49.95/$29.95 
18580  Cape Blanco to Yaquina Head		10,20,30,40,100,200	1:191,730	$49.95/$99.95 
18581  Yaquina Bay and River 			None			1:10,000	$49.95/$29.95 
18583  Siuslaw River 				None			1:20,000	$49.95/$29.95 
18584  Umpqua R.-Pacific Ocean to Reedsport	None			1:20,000	$49.95/$29.95 
18587  Coos Bay					None			1:20,000	$49.95/$29.95 
18588  Coquille River Entrance			None			1:10,000	$49.95/$29.95 
18589  Port Orford to Cape Blanco		None			1:40,000	$49.95/$29.95 
18600  Trinidad Head to Cape Blanco		10,20,30,40,100,200	1:196,948	$49.95/$99.95 
18601  Cape Sebastian to Humbug Mtn.		None			1:40,000	$49.95/$29.95 
18602  Pyramid Pt. to Cape Sebastian		None			1:40,000	$49.95/$29.95 
18603  St. George Reef and Crescent City R.	None			1:40,000	$49.95/$29.95 
18605  Trinidad Harbor				None			1:15,000	$49.95/$29.95 
18620  Point Arena To Trinidad Head		10,20,30,40,50,100,200	1:200,000	$49.95/$99.95 
18622  Humboldt Bay 				None			1:25,000	$49.95/$29.95 
18623  Cape Mendocino and vicinity 		None			1:40,000	$49.95/$29.95 
18626  Elk to Fort Bragg			None			1:40,000	$49.95/$29.95 
18640  San Francisco to Point Arena		10,20,30,40,50,100,200	1:207,840	$49.95/$99.95 
18643  Bodega and Tomales Bays			None			1:30,000	$49.95/$29.95 
18647  Drakes Bay 				None			1:40,000	$49.95/$29.95 
18649  San Francisco Entrance			None			1:40,000	$49.95/$29.95 
18680  Point Sur to San Francisco		10,20,30,40,50,100,200	1:210,668	$49.95/$99.95 
18682  Half Moon Bay 				None			1:20,000	$49.95/$29.95 
18685  Monterey Bay 				None			1:50,000	$49.95/$29.95 
        Moss Landing 				None			1:10,000 
        Santa Cruz Small Craft Harbor		None			1:10,000 
18686  Pfeiffer Point to Cypress Point		None			1:40,000	$49.95/$29.95 
18700  Point Conception to Point Sur		10,20,30,40,50,100,200	1:216,116	$49.95/$99.95 
18703  Estero Bay Morro Bay 			None			1:40,000	$49.95/$29.95 
18720  Point Dume to Purisima Point 		10,20,30,40,50,100,200	1:232,188	$49.95/$99.95 
18740  San Diego to Santa Rosa Island		10,20,50		1:234,270	$49.95/$99.95 
16580  Kodiak Island				None			1:350,000	$49.95 
        Southwest Anchorage, Chirikof Is.	None			1:53,600 
16640* Cook Inlet-southern part			----			1:200,000	$----- 
16660* Cook Inlet-northern part			----			1:194,154	$----- 
16700* Prince William Sound 			----			1,200,000	$----- 
16760* Cross Sound to Yakuatat Bay 		----			1:300,000	$----- 
17300  Stephens Passage to Cross Sound		None			1:200,978	$49.95 
17360  Etolin Island to Midway Islands 		10,50			1:217,828	$49.95/$99.95 
17400  Dixon Entrance to Chatham Strait		10			1:229,376	$49.95 
17420* Hecate Strait to Etolin Island		None			1:229,376	$----

Chart #		Description			Depths completed	Scale	        Cost
				Gulf of Mexico Coast		                   (Just chart/normal)
11300  Galveston to Rio Grande			10,20,30,40,50		1:460,732	$49.95/$99.95
11330  Mermentau River to Freeport		30,60,90,120,180 feet	1:250,000	$49.95/$99.95
11340  Mississippi to Galveston 		10,20,30,40,50		1:458,596	$49.95/$99.95
11360  Cape St. George to Mississippi Passes	10,20,30,40,50		1:456,394	$49.95/$99.95
11357  Timbalier and Terrebonne Bays		6,12,18,30,60 feet	1:80,000	$49.95(no land)
11358  Barataria Bay and Approaches		6,12,18,30,60,120	1:80,000	$49.95(no land)
						180,240 feet			
11361  Mississippi R.Delta			12,18,30,60 feet	1:80,000	$49.95
       (No land-just depths w/rigs & Pipe line)	120,180,240	
11363  Chandeleur & Breton Sounds		12,18,30,60 feet	1:80,000	$49.95
       (No land-just depths w/rigs & Pipe line)	120,180,240	
11400  Tampa Bay to Cape San Blas		10,20,30,40,50		1:456,394	$49.95/$99.95
11401  Apalaciahicola Bay to Cape San Blas	12,18,24,30,60 feet	1:80,000	$49.95(no land)
	(No land-just depths)
11405  Apalachee Bay (No Land-Just Depths)	12,18,30 feet		1:80,000	$49.95(no land)
11420  Havana to Tampa Bay 			10,20,30,40 		1:470,940	$49.95/$99.95
       (11461 included if 11460 not purchased)	100,200,300
11460  Cape Canaveral to Key West 		10,20,30,40,50		1:466,940	$49.95/$99.95
       (Split-11461 & 11462)			100,200,300

East Coast
11480 Charleston light to Cape Canaveral 10,100 1:449,569 $49.95/$99.95 11504 St.Andrew Sound to Satilla River 6,12,18,30 feet 1:40,000 $79.90/$29.95 11520 Cape Hatteras To Charleston 1,5,10,100 1:432,720 $49.95/$99.95 12200 Cape May to Cape Hatteras 5,10,20,40,50 1:419,706 $49.95/$99.95 100,500,1000 12220 Chesapeake Bay-southern part ---- 1:200,000 $49.95 12260 Chesapeake Bay-northern part ---- 1:197,250 $49.95 12300 Approaches to New York, Nantucket 10,50,100,500 1:400,000 $49.95/$99.95 1000,1500 13200 George Bank and Nantucket Shoals 10,40,50,60,70 1:400,000 $49.95/$99.95 w/Hag line 80,90,100,500,1000 13260 Bay of Fundy to Cape Cod 10,50,60,70,80,90 1:378,838 $49.95/$99.95 100,150 * = Chart currently in production; allow 1 to 2 weeks for completion upon your order. Others are in stock and can be sent immediately. Charts not listed require up to 8 weeks. If you have a chart that is not listed, save time and send it to us. Allow 3 weeks for charts sent to us to be digitized. Charts of larger scale than 1:500,000 cost $150. and require special signed liability release forms before they can be digitized. (Unmarked depths are in fathoms) List Prices: Major 5 digit chart number end with a "0" ............ $49.95 This includes landmarks (Buoys, City, Capes, etc.) Major charts with depth contours (up to 5).............$99.95 You may select any contour that exist on that chart Depth contours only (up to 5) .........................$49.95 Smaller, detailed Sub-charts end without a "0"... .....$29.95 $49.95 if you didn't purchase matching major chart

All charts are produced directly from NOS paper charts. To receive a graphic list of all charts of your area in relation to the United States, call the National Ocean Service at (301) 436-6990 and ask for a free catalog. All charts can be scaled down to 1/10 mile, but the accuracy will vary depending on the scale of the individual chart. (See map on back of this page)3-4-96

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