Brought to you by P-Sea Software Co. USA
PO Box 1390
Morro Bay, CA 93443
Ph.# (805) 772-4396
Version 7.05 (P-Sea WindPlot II) features
P-Sea WindPlot 1 users NOTE: This is considered an upgrade from any version less than 7.0x at a list price of $100.00 USD.
A key (dongle) exchange is NOT required for Navioncs or P-Sea keys.
Ask your local P-Sea Dealer for details.
Windplot II users NOTE: We have found several problems with new editions SoftChart and the new BSB4 charts and have had to come out with a Edition 2 patch for the 7.05 version.
If you experience trouble with zooming out or panning then please call and ask for a free update to 7.05 edition 2 that will correct these problems.
Customizable Track and Marks colors
Marks and track colors are customizable with up to 124 colors. You choose how many and what colors you want or choose from a pre-made rainbow of colors.
Multi-color track mode is set with 14 or 92 colors.
BSB4 Compatibility
The most popular charts for WindPlot, Maptech BSB format charts have changed to a new BSB4 format.
These charts will not run unless you have P-Sea WindPlot II version 7.05 or better! The main difference
between the charts is now they have to be registered and will only be allowed to run on one computer.
SoftChart Compatibility
Softcharts are navigational charts look and work and act just like Maptech's BSB versions but do not have to be registered and are a little cheaper now. They do not come with any other charts.
Maptech Topo and NavPhoto Chart Compatiblity
P-Sea WindPlot is now compatible with the Topo and NavPhoto Charts Maptech includes with the BSB4 charts.
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